Monday, March 26, 2007

Another "March" on the Nation's Capital has been completed. Four UHF advocacy members (Roberta Smith, Erik Melde, Brandalynn Gardner, and Carson Gardner) charged through the dust of snow convering a sheet of ice to meet with legislators to discuss a variety of issues. The issues tackled this year were Increased access to Medigap policies, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, and increased funding to treatment centers with an emphasis on women with bleeding disorders. We seemed to have a largely favorable response this year with great momentum on most issues. We actually had a letter written by Representative Tammy Baldwin from Wisconsin asking her colleagues to support increased funding.
Washington Days is an amazing experience. Anyone capable of making the trip should. If seeing the heart of American legislation, viewing incredible sights, fighting for important issues, meeting great people, and learning valuable skills is not enough to persuade you, then go for the food. The food at the convention is awesome. We had a great time. One highlight of the trip was visiting Senator Sam Brownback's office with National Hemophilia Foundation CEO, Alan Kinniburgh, Ph.D.


Blogger The Patient Connection said...

Take part in an online discussion on haemophilia


We at The Patient Connection are currently running a research blog or online discussion on the subject of haemophilia

In particular we are interested in haemophilia as a genetic/family condition and any thoughts you might have about gene therapy

Apart from that we would love it if you could share your story or just post useful resources for fellow sufferers.

If you would like to join us please go to

Thanks and remember your opinion counts

Best wishes


PS The link will give you an option to join our formal research community and participate in research into the opinions of the haemophilia community later on in the year.

April 23, 2007  

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